Stanstead Abbotts is a sub-district of Ware
in the southeast corner of Hertfordshire. The Greenwich Meridian (longitude
0°), an imaginary line between the North and South Poles separating
the eastern and western hemispheres, passes through the village. Its
exact position marked by Meridian obelisks that were planted in 1984
to commemorate the centenary of the adoption of the prime meridian
line. This was measured by Astronomer Royal, Sir George Airy, in 1851
and finally adopted as the International Time Line at a conference
in Washington, DC in 1884. The meridian marker post shown on the right
is sited in Station Road beside the bridge over the New River. As
well as being the line from where all navigation is calculated it
is the line from which all time on earth is based. The current line
is one of many that have existed, however the Global Positioning Satellite
(GPS) system uses a prime meridian that is about 100 metres east of
the Greenwich Meridian at Stanstead Abbotts.
In recent years the village was awarded the title "Best
kept village in Hertfordshire - large village" which if nothing
else establishes that it is a "large" village. The population
has grown steadily during the past decade and now hovers around the
3000 mark. Recent housing developments along and near the River Lea
account for most of the increases. 
There are a number of areas nearby officially designated,
'Sites of Special Scientific Interest' (S.S.S.I.). Two of these are
Amwell Quarry Nature Reserve and Rye Meads near Rye House. Both these
sites support a significant population of varied wildlife and are
highly regarded for the number of bird species they attract.
The High Street has a significant number of "listed"
buildings that add character to the area. Until the mid 1980's the
narrow High Street was part of the old A414. This meant that a lot
of heavy transport passed through the village making it a potentially
dangerous place to be a pedestrian. The opening of the Stanstead Abbotts
by-pass improved the situation considerably and being a High Street
pedestrian is now quite enjoyable and no longer equates with the role
of a Kamikaze pilot.
The High Street has a reasonable number of small shops that can provide
most of the basic day to day necessities of life, though not much
more than that (except for a good motor bike shop). There used to
be a bank that opened one day a week but that closed years ago. Pretty
much one of each essential, not exactly a competitive environment,
but standard for a village I guess. For any serious shopping the nearest
option, though not necessarily the best, is Harlow. Many years ago
nearby Hoddesdon used to provide a reasonable selection of shops but
like many smaller English towns the number of retail outlets has declined
following the growth of large of out-of-town shopping centres.
There are two restaurants in the village, one Italian
the other Indian, plus one takeaway. Many will be grateful though,
that like the majority of English villages, it has a satisfactory
although declining provision of reasonable public houses, The Lord
Louis, The Red Lion and The Jolly Fisherman. The latter is the youngest
pub in the village, celebrating its centenary in August 2003. It is
sited by the side of the River Lea next to Riverside Green and is
a welcome sight for visitors arriving by boat or the Lea towpath.
Industrial History
In the Middle Ages the local area, in common with the rest of Hertfordshire,
was heavily forested. The clearance of woodland supported the industry
of charcoal burning which was not merely for local use but was, perhaps
surprisingly, also exported. It was said that you knew when you were
approaching Stanstead Abbotts by the continuous sight and smell of
wood smoke. This industry lasted through until the end of the 18th
century. The most enduring local industry however is that of malt
production. The fertile soil in Hertfordshire and neighbouring counties
to the north and northeast produced abundant quantities of high quality
barley that could be turned into the finest malt. This Hertfordshire
grain could be sold at a premium at market and some unscrupulous dealers
made a profit by falsely selling their grain as the Hertfordshire
article. Packhorses were used for moving the grain from the farmland
to the malting towns of Hertford, Ware and Stanstead Abbotts sited
along the River Lea. Their strategic location between the fertile
growing areas and London combined with the benefit of a navigable
waterway to London led to a flourishing local malting industry. The
River Lea provided a far more efficient means of transporting large
quantities of malt to the major breweries of London than the alternative
of packhorses. Bishops Stortford also had a malting industry but the
trade did not expand greatly there until the completion of the Stort
Navigation Canal in 1766.
The malting industry declined over a long period until
today just the one malting of French & Jupps remains in Stanstead
Abbotts. Today, no maltings exist in Ware or Hertford. Although many
of the maltings have been demolished it is good to see that some of
the malting buildings still exist. Some of these are now divided into
smaller units and are used to provide accommodation for light commercial
users. These are attractive looking buildings that are in keeping
with their surroundings. It is pleasing to see them being used rather
than pulled down to make way for more of the residential developments
that have cropped up in the last decade or so, that are often visually
unsympathetic to the local environment. The exception to this is the
old Abbey Malting, gutted by fire about twenty years ago, which has
since been re-modelled into attractive riverside homes that maintain
the original character of the malting.
Today there are a varied range of companies operating
from the redundant malting premises around the village but their presence
is probably not too obvious to the casual visitor. It appears to be
a good example of how commercial premises can be integrated into a
village environment. As well as providing employment these companies
are also helping to preserve these fine old buildings that would otherwise
fall into decay and their eventual demise.